Looking for the #1 banquette seating with storage (or without) for you? From built-in banquette bench designs to small or modern options, I’ve narrowed it down here to 12 options to help you choose the one that solves YOUR exact unique need!🙌
All banquettes are not created alike!
(Nor should they be! 😉 )
Feeling overwhelmed with which type to choose for yourself? I’m here to simplify it for you!🤗
First, you must understand the reasons there are so many choices is that every space (and lifestyle!) needs a different
- Fabric
- Seat depth (who is actually sitting in this banquette? you? kids? extra-tall people? etc)
- Seat width
- Storage considerations (the smaller your space, the more likely you’re going to need that dead space under the banquette to store something!)
- Back height (or maybe there’s no “back” at all! we’ll talk about this option below!😊)

…and those five are just for starters! (I haven’t even gotten into your personal aesthetic likes or room features!😉)
From banquette seating with storage to airy floating banquettes without it, from leather to performance fabrics, from wall-mounted to freestanding and more, I’ve narrowed down allllllll the options to the ONLY 12 types of banquette seating you need to choose between! 👇
Some of these you can buy ready-made, and some can be custom-made!
#12: The Curved Banquette Bench!

I’m putting this in to talk about first because
so many homeowners forget about utilizing curves!
The standard “banquette bench” seat people bring to mind is usually a straight shot: one squared-off piece of furniture fitting into another squared-off piece of furniture in a corner.
However, curving your banquette bench (when it’s in a corner – if it’s not, we’ll get to that next!) is one of my favorite solutions!

I think I’ve mentioned this in my post about what to hang above your bed (or not), but circular shapes have been scientifically proven to make you feel happy! 🙂
(But I’d still tell you to be careful with that. Too many circles isn’t going to make you overly happy😂, but it will give your home a certain style which you may not want. I created this to help walk you through that for yourself.)

Curves can also be found not necessarily in the back cushions, but in the base upholstery as well!
In a residential world full of 90-degree angles, sometimes you do need to introduce curves for interest and warmth!

#11: Extra-Tall Banquette Back!
I’ve done this in my own banquette designs because not only does it look (and feel) more unique…

…but I do it also for the extra-cozy feel it gives!
(Let’s face it: some spaces need the balance of “more cozy”…much like “More cowbell!”🤣)
Note the extra storage drawers in the below, which leads us into…
…my next type of banquette you’ll want to consider: a banquette bench with storage!
#10: Built-in Banquette With Storage
If you’re DIYing, the easiest type of banquette with storage to do is a simple flip-up lid underneath your seat cushion (or just a flip-up lid if you’re doing a straight wood seat, which some do)!
If your space and table allow it, drawers are best overall for good storage under a banquette.
However, please don’t just fall in love with a cool drawer-under-banquette seating photo and assume that’s what you need. You must analyze your room properly first and foremost!
For example, when going through my process of not forgetting anything in your room or furnishing plan, you’ll be “forced” to answer the hard-but-amazing questions for yourself such as,
- “What are you storing in that banquette drawer?”
- “What’s the actual drawer depth you’ll be doing?” (This is not always what you think, and that’s why we created The Complete Drawer Guide to help you.)
- “What type of table legs will be in front of that drawer when it pulls out?”
- etc.
- etc.!
The above photo (with green fabric) is a great example of how impractical that precise banquette bench drawer design is. Do you see how they had to scoot that tulip table out and away from the drawers in order to access them fully?
Do you want to have to shift your dining or kitchen table each time you want to access something?

The above is another example of that. So think smart in each step through what exactly you’re doing with your banquette storage…and WHY!
(That’s what’s going to save you time and money! Having something that is annoying, unfunctional, or has to be replaced or redone in future is not how most of us want to spend days of our life!😅)
Your perfect design for banquette seating with storage is going to depend 100% on how often you’re going to access what’s inside! The above is easy everyday access; the below is much more limited access.
It all depends on your priorities (which we see 90% of people think they know but after starting with this #1 ESSENTIAL process, they understand why they haven’t been happy with their home, and how to fix it once and for all! We LOVE helping you get right-focused so you can use your home well and genuinely live your best life!)

The last type of banquette bench with storage I want to note is a creative one, such as the below one created as a cat area. They won’t have the problems with pulling out drawers that they’d inevitably have with that table, and they have a “hidden” napping and/or play area for their cat that’s much more attractive than the usual cat tower. You know how I love to hide things! 🙂 )

Don’t get me started on those table legs and how awkward it will be for people trying to scoot into the middle seat on that banquette back there…but I do approve of their banquette bench with storage solution for their pet. 😉
#9: Banquette Bench Without Storage
These are usually going to be your “premade,” store-bought banquette benches.
They can either be straight along a wall…
…or they can be purchased for a corner banquette seating area! (Both with or without storage.)

You’ll get to choose between solid banquette bench bases (like the above) or open.
#8: Banquette With a Wall-hung Cushion!

This design has been popular in recent years and involves a fabric cushion hanging off a metal or wooden rod mounted to the wall.
(I’ve shown this in bed headboard designs as well!)
#7: The Directly Wall-mounted Banquette Seat Back!
I love all the creative things you can do with this, from a standard fabric-covered piece (in any shape you want!) like so…

…to a channeled banquette back cushion still mounted right to the wall…

…to skipping the fabric entirely and going for a wood or woven material!

#6: The “Floating” Banquette!
A floating banquette is my #1 solution when you want an airier look and don’t need storage.
(Plus, it’s much easier to clean under than a banquette with legs! 😉 )

#5: The Built-In Banquette!
A built-in banquette doesn’t always have to be made out of wood or fabric, although those are certainly the most popular options most people know about.
I love a good rendered (or “plastered”) bench seat!

#4: Channeled Fabric

Remember, channeled fabric doesn’t always have to be a standard flat top…
…each channel upholstery piece can also be curved! (And you read earlier how I feel about using curves appropriately in an interior.)
#3: Channeled Leather
Channels don’t always have to be a standard fabric, however. Leather is a great option for people with pets, kids, or messy guests.🤣

Don’t forget: the channels for your banquette seating can run vertically OR horizontally (see below)!
If you can’t decide between leather or fabric for your banquette bench, consider both! 🙂
#2: Small Kitchen Banquette Seating
Not all banquettes need to be for a dining room, and not all of them need to be massive!
Take this adorable setup with a great table and storage to boot! (I’m a much bigger fan of this drawer storage setup for many reasons, including the measurements.)

Tip: If you’re looking for something small, another word to use in your quest is “settee”! I’ve found gems like the below for clients via my special vendors but they’re not always in the traditional “banquette” entitled category in mainstream retailers. 😉 So just a tip for you if you’re DIYing and not hiring an interior designer.

#1: Dining Room Banquettes
My next post is going to focus on dining room banquettes ONLY!
This is going to go over in even finer detail every bit of creating a custom banquette for yourself, from the base designs to layout.

Option #1:
If you can’t wait and need immediate help, sign up for a Design Consult over the phone with me here.
Option #2:
Otherwise, if you’re not ready for a 1:1 call, you can get ahead of the game by making sure your home’s Design Foundation is 100% correct before you buy another thing; I spent a lot of time creating THIS to help you walk through it. (It’s what we do as a first step with our major project clients, now available to you to DIY without having to hire us.😊)
On average, readers estimate that guide has saved them $3,700 in design mistakes! Get it instantly HERE!👈🤗
You can get our Starter Design Guide FREE today right HERE!
- How to avoid the 5 Storage Mistakes Everyone Makes With Shelves & Cabinets!
- See this quick one on Dining Table Centerpieces: The 10+ Smartest, Simple Designs!
- Need closet storage help? We have The Genius Way to Convert Your Basic Space for Max Storage!
- This post on dining tables is a huge help regardless of the material you ultimately choose!
- Bedrooms on the brain? Rug Size for Queen Bed: The Only 7 Rules You (Absolutely) Need!
- Bathrooms may be a far cry from dining rooms, but if you’re considering a bath remodel in your future, you’ll want to read this one – Shower Walls: The Genius Hack No One Tells You About!
- 12+ Modern & Timeless Floor-To-Ceiling Bookshelves (from Built-in To DIY)!
PS: All our personal home projects are viewable HERE!