We’re a professional husband + wife team (Design Architect + Build Engineer) who can literally do it all on homes (from strategic start to finish, interior to exterior)…

…and we’re here to help YOU do the same!💃🤗

But our home wasn’t always like this…

For years, I (Jess)

  • followed the typical home design and organization rules
  • put kitchen items in “the usual spots”
  • did the standard layouts in my rooms
  • spent hours perusing Pinterest, social media and magazines noting all the seemingly great “new” ideas…
  • …we even did remodels, makeovers and updates hoping those would solve everything!

Still I experienced YEARS OF FRUSTRATION with my home spaces! I felt like my home wasn’t just a burden—it was literally stealing my time and energy!

(I wasn’t doing the things that energized me and made my heart sing because I was too busy cleaning my house. I wasn’t having the type of quality time I wanted with my children, husband and friends because I felt too stressed out to take that time. I wasn’t satisfied when I looked around at our home because I just instinctively felt like something was amiss…but I couldn’t put my finger on it yet!)

So, using my Creative-Strategic Executive background (plus natural strengths and years of experience)…

…I said “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” and started

breaking the rules!😜💪

(You can too! I’ll show you which ones!)

Only then did I start seeing HUGE improvements not only in how my home looked but how it worked!


  • Everything had a place!
  • Everything was done with purpose!
  • Everything worked together to achieve my life goals (both for myself and my family)!

(And it wasn’t that hard once I figured out how to create my own Hello-21st-Century Jess Rules!😆)

I honestly felt more joyful and confident in our home. (And I spent less time cleaning! Score!) My husband was happier (and actually expressing to me weekly how much he appreciated how we’d done things the “new” ways).

Our house wasn’t just organized or housing cool systems we created; it was organized and functionalized strategically!

You can have the same! (And we’re here to help you get it ASAP!)

Wondering where to start? We highly recommend starting with THIS!

We have limited client consulting available currently but you can get our #1 guide HERE! (#2 is this!)

Fast-forward several years and (because I enjoy + get a big kick out of writing) we started this site simply as a way to share the story of our new home renovation in California at the time…

…and it turned into a place where millions of people like YOU are finding new inspiration and help with your biggest space problems + solutions!

From the outside, people couldn’t understand how Matt and I were able to accomplish so much on our house + have fun and travel with limited time. It’s all because of what most people can’t see:

the visible + invisible strategic designs and home processes

we created!

The good news is

we can literally help you do the same! 

Your home should support the kind of life YOU want to live! (100% you means not the same as everyone else.)

We help you accomplish that + create a space you love!

➜ Whether that’s solid slab shower walls to make cleaning go faster, or the exact measurements of your drawers, EVERY decision you make matters!

Get our guides for making life better!

➜ Score help from us on thinking strategically about the why & the how!

Buy us a hot drink HERE!

Here’s a lil’ more about us…

Jessica (“The Thinker”):

If you ask Jess why she does this, she’ll say, “To help people THINK!”

Incredibly passionate and energetic about the things that matter, one of Jess’ favorite things to do is think!  A strategist to the core, Jess thinks about the who, the what, the where, the when, the how, and the why. Her creativity and strategic skills have been utilized over the past 20+ years by some of the biggest-name brands in the world.

➥ If you and Jess could hang out, you’d probably go sip your favorite drinks together and her eyes would light up as she’d ask you questions like,

  • “What kind of person do you want to be?” 
  • “If there were zero barriers, what would you do with your free time?”
  • “Where are you most depleted? When are you most energized?”

(Try one of Jess’ favorite Design Guides to start! One, two, three! It’s like going out for that drink together and getting her brain on your home!)

➥ For fun, Jess enjoys dark chocolate (seriously, we can call it a hobby), gardening, cuddling her kids, long walks, and occasionally writing in the third person (A.K.A. entertaining herself!🤗aaand…jazz hands)!

Get your home together today so you can live well now! (Don’t wait for retirement, please.😆)

Matt (“The Doer”):

If you ask Matt why he does this, he’ll say, “To help people DO!”  

Not only is Matt’s personality cool, calm & collected, but he genuinely enjoys helping others.  He likes to get right on in there, get hands-on, and do it!

After building his first home as a teenager, Matt received his Electrical Engineering degree and went on to become a certified PMP (which officially stands for Project Management Professional, but it just makes Jess want to sing the 50 Cent song). In the past 20+ years, Matt’s roles have led up to his becoming a highly sought-after Senior Project Manager working for some of the biggest-name companies ever!

When Jess brings big, passionate ideas to the table, Matt is the one who first thinks through the logic of it.  An engineer at heart, he’s always looking for ways he can make something function better.

➥ If you and Matt could hang out, you’d find yourself doing something more active and hands-on, like playing a sport together (or helping him move furniture for Jess…mwahaha!), and afterwards you’d be encouraged to relax while he cooks up a gourmet treat for you.

➥ For fun, Matt enjoys building furniture, competing against himself in his latest running times, disc golf, cooking, being with his family, and making up the best puns ever.

Together, we make a solid married team that has no shortage of home + adventure plans and no shortage of ability to make them happen. 

The shortages we do find are in time (that 24-hr day really gets ya) and energy (we have two young and energetic kids)!

➥ We renovated our famous California fixer upper while working in a lot of adventure with all the free time we’ve created! 

  1. See how we created all that free time by browsing our latest house projects!  
  2. We’ve poured our hearts + expertise into THESE to help you! (Yes, you!) For each one you use, we feel both thankfulness and an almost-giddy excitement that your life at home will be transformed (with us getting to be part of it)!
  3. Or maybe you’re into how we suddenly quit our high-paying jobs and our first house so that we could move to New Zealand!  (Talk about adventure!)

UPDATE: We recently sold our beautiful, function-filled house to do this! Double update: and then we did THIS! (currently going!)