How did we get our drawer organizers to fit so perfectly? Easy! We made our DIY drawer dividers out of wood and are sharing the smart n’ easy plans with you here!
Who doesn’t love good drawer organization, I want to know? 🙂
Clearly millions agree, because the number of pre-made drawer organizers available out there is countless, right?
Just Google “DIY drawer dividers” and you’ll find thousands of pre-made drawer dividers, ranging from “adjustable” bamboo drawer dividers to plastic expandable dividers to folding fabric grids…it’s mayhem out there!
I hate to be the one to break it to those of you who haven’t yet realized this, but…
…here’s the problem:
None of them will perfectly fit your drawers!
The Problem with Pre-made Drawer Dividers
Because they’re all pre-made, it’s near impossible to find a DIY drawer divider that is
- The perfect height.
- The perfect width.
- The perfect depth.
Not to mention that the actual interior sizes of the drawer dividers themselves are most likely not exactly what you’d hope for!
Real-life Examples!
Example: You want to store your smoothie stuff in a drawer. You have your containers, your lids, your straws, your powders, and more. They’re all different heights, widths, and depths.
Is there a pre-made divider out there that will fit all your items perfectly in that drawer?
You’ll want the straw section narrower, for example, than where the lids go. And the lids will be narrower than the powder containers.
Here’s an example of a real-life smoothie drawer and a beverage container drawer with all its unique measurements!

Download the Drawer Divider Plans HERE – ENDS TODAY!
BTW, we’ve created 3 kitchen guides to help you get the kitchen you’ve always wanted! Get our Kitchen Design download!
Get our DIY Drawer Divider Plans HERE!
How Can You Solve the Problem?
I begged Matt to put this How To together.
Because the answer to the question
“How did you find drawer organizers that fit so perfectly?”
“None you can buy!” 🙂
I know I’m lucky that I have a husband who can make me exactly what I want, but when I imagined I was someone who wasn’t married to him, I realized that I would be DESPERATE to know how to do this myself!
“If you suddenly died and I was left alone, I WOULD NEED TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE THESE!” 😊
(Yes, I know what you’re thinking–clearly my priorities are in order! DIY drawer organization first! My coping mechanism at the thought of widowhood and becoming a single mother? Gaining control and mastery over my drawer interiors!)
So now that we’re all agreed that this is a vital piece of information, I can announce to you that Matt has made our DIY drawer divider plans available in the “Plans & Design Guides” area of our blog HERE!
Perfectly organized drawers are in your immediate future, my friend!
diy DRAWER dividers WOOD
Where have we used ours?
While the examples I’m showing you here are all in our kitchen, I’ve had Matt create custom drawer dividers in
- Our vanity. (See it here! And see the organized inside in our Vanity Storage Guide!)
- Our kitchen.
- Our homeschool/arts & crafts drawers.
- Our mudroom drawers.
- Our laundry room drawers.

Get our 100% customizable wood DIY drawer divider plans HERE!

Need immediate kitchen help? Get our Kitchen Design Bundle!👈

Our DIY drawer organizer plans are available HERE!
In this same DIY Drawer Divider Plans guide, I’ve also had him include directions on how to build our much-used and easy-to-use stove utensil drawer!

Build this for your kitchen tools with our Easy How-To Guide!
(See one of our vertical drawer dividers in action in this quick video below!)
Maximize every inch of your drawer interiors, get them organized for exactly what you have inside them, and immediately enjoy the efficiency (A.K.A. time & energy savings!)!😄
Our guide helps get you there!
You can get yours HERE!👈
Here’s a video showing our DIY drawer dividers in action!
Looking for more kitchen organization & storage ideas? See “5 Brilliant Kitchen Organization Ideas that Make Life Easier!”
➜ Our complete list of every single home project is viewable HERE!