Get Kitchen Layout, Organization & Design Help Easy + Fast!

Even though we’re technically booked through 2025, if you could immediately transport Matt and I to your house TODAY to

  1. help you design your new kitchen, or
  2. help you squeeze every inch of organization & functionality out of your current kitchen,

would you take us up on it?

See our 5 Genius Reasons You Need Kitchen Drawers Instead of Cabinets!
Tap to see Our Kitchen Remodel: The Complete List!

Our lack of time is now your literal gain!

When we individually consult with our clients, single kitchens start at $$$$ for our time (and often go much higher because of the client needs and scope of the project, or because they love their results and want us to help them with more spaces!).

This is what kicked us in the boo-tays to create these Kitchen Packages, so that we could help as many of people as possible, even while we’re booked!

Read our post on Off White Kitchen Cabinets Ideas: 7 Genius Pros & Cons!
Should you have light or dark floors for your cabinets? We answer it HERE!
Get help by grabbing one of our Kitchen Organization & Design Bundles! (And if you have other areas of your home that need attention, The Everything Bundle will save you SO MUCH money and time!
Kitchen counter and island height is 1 of 3,000 areas you MUST make decisions on!

*Our Kitchen Packages are now live HERE!*



“How to Design a Timeless Kitchen (That’s Never Out of Style!)”

FEEL LIKE A GENIUS who just ensured you’ll never have to redo your kitchen again!

When we put our house onto the market, we had so many showings (and so many offers) that we had to cut them off early! Our kitchen was one of the areas where we heard the feedback over and over that people were thinking this was A BRAND NEW KITCHEN and not almost eight years old…

Even our real estate agent asked us a number of times, almost in disbelief,

“How did you guys KNOW so many years ago what designs people would be looking for NOW?”

We realized we could help others design their kitchen TO LAST. To always “look like new,” not trendy or dated. To be classic and timeless…to NEVER GO OUT OF STYLE!

I go into detail about timeless kitchen design in areas such as

  • Hardware.
  • Mixing Metals.
  • Color.
  • Lighting.
  • Countertops.
  • Backsplashes.
  • Sinks.
  • Cabinets.
  • Drawers.
  • Doors & Doorways.
  • Appliances.
  • Flooring.
Get it HERE!

As well as bonus sections I added, such as my Design Guides on

  • Aesthetics.
  • Flexibility.
  • Simplicity.
  • Bonus Tips.
  • Trends to Avoid!
See why we did 100% drawers and ZERO lower cabinets!
We give directions for kitchen counter height, island height, backsplashes, countertop materials, hardware, storage, shelving and more!

#2: The Ultimate Kitchen Checklist (for Smart Storage & Organization)

Save time & FEEL CONFIDENT that you’re not forgetting anything! 

Feel more organized and confident about your kitchen organization!  In your quest to put together a smart, functional kitchen, you don’t want to forget a thing!  Whether you’re simply re-organizing your current kitchen to make it more functional or doing a full remodel, there’s A LOT to pull together either way!


A woman recently came to us almost all the way through her kitchen remodel, complaining that she had hired an architect, a contractor, an interior designer, and a cabinet guy…”But I’m realizing I don’t even know where my coffee maker will go!  And I’ve asked them, ‘Where’s my garbage can going?’ But none of them can tell me!” 

(Of course, you can imagine my horror that she had that many people working for her on the project and not one of them planned for her actual lifestyle!)

In our consulting with clients on kitchen organization, we found having a good kitchen checklist was ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL—but we couldn’t find anything existing out there which had everything on it! So you know what we had to do—in true Matt n’ Jess style, we created our own 🙂

Solid Surface Backsplash: Should You Do It Or Avoid? (Read it here!)

This is a comprehensive, COMPLETE kitchen checklist along with creative ideas and prompts for adding your own unique kitchen items and efficient, functional solutions!

In this Ultimate Kitchen Kitchen Checklist (for Smart Storage & Organization), you’ll

  • Quickly take inventory of your current kitchen items!
  • Feel more organized and aware of what you have!
  • Get THE 8 main categories to divide your kitchen tools & equipment into!
  • Find out which items you might be missing or forgetting!
  • Get ideas for what to include in your kitchen for smart function!
Get help by grabbing one of our Kitchen Organization & Design Bundles!

This checklist is a time-saving, energy-saving, stress-saving supplemental material to our Design Guides!


“How to Organize Your Kitchen (for Maximum Functionality & Storage!)”

FEEL LIGHT & ENERGIZED knowing your kitchen is optimally organized with the right place for everything! 

Functionally organizing your kitchen doesn’t have to feel overwhelming—in fact, it should feel COMPLETELY ATTAINABLE!

In this guided workbook, I (Jess) will guide you step-by-step through how to strategically organize your kitchen for maximum functionality!  Because while not everyone can afford to hire a consultant for thousands of dollars to help them 1:1, I think an organized, functional kitchen that YOU LOVE using is something that should be accessible to everyone!

This Design Guide includes:

  • How to even start organizing your kitchen in a non-overwhelming way!
  • How to take inventory!
  • How to categorize!
  • How to declutter!
  • Figure out the ideal placement for every single item in your kitchen!
  • Think through the flow and functionality of your layout!
  • How to break down functions, areas, & more in a simple 3-step way!
  • How to think through your own personalized kitchen tasks that are uniquely you!
  • How to accurately calculate your unique time savings!
  • How to look at and break down available spaces!
  • Looking at the space you already have available and finding new ways to use it!
  • How to figure out what goes where for your unique lifestyle!
  • How I determine placement and layout for any and all kitchens!
  • How to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything!
  • Bonus tips on kitchen organization, storage, and more!
  • Worksheets to help guide you step-by-step!
  • My favorite free + easy online tools for doing computer drawings vs hand drawings!
  • Learn how to do simple elevation drawings for your own kitchen storage analysis!
  • Examples of real-life sketches and client computer drawings for kitchen organization, layout, etc. so you can see my process and use it yourself!
  • What to do when something isn’t working well for you with your organization & storage locations!
  • Encouragement from Jess throughout on the whys, and how to make it easier on yourself!

**UPDATE: Our Kitchen Packages are now live HERE!**

You’re not alone when it comes to figuring out your perfectly attainable kitchen! Go to our Kitchen Design Bundle page to get your downloads of all 3 guides instantly delivered to your inbox!

What people are saying:

“I really appreciate

the guided, methodical approach

…and the bonus checklist was a HUGE help so that I didn’t need to reinvent the wheel or accidentally forget things!”

– Anna C. from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

“I couldn’t believe how much information was in the guide for designing a timeless kitchen. This is such

a wealth of information and thoughtful design tips,

where someone doesn’t have to search online for hours or pay thousands of dollars for a consultant to help them with this. Definitely worth the money…it’s the high quality!

I was honestly stunned.

All the things to consider and think about. Of course that is why you are the brains when it comes to this.”

– David H. from the UK

“This guide makes me SO HAPPY!

No more procrastination over organizing your kitchen because you’re not sure where to start. How Jess pairs your current routines with your functionality…

…pure genius!”

– Morgan C., @morganhcox on Instagram

All images Copyright by Jess & Matt of
Get our Kitchen Design & Organization Guided Course on sale today!

“Are your Kitchen Guides for a person like me?”

Find yourself in the below 5 options…

Are you Person #1?

“I understand your kitchen consulting packages start at $2k, but what if my budget for hiring a Kitchen Consultant is much, much less? I need to DIY most of this!”

Are you Person #2?

“I have the money to hire someone, but what if I don’t have faith in the design, organization, or functionality skills of my kitchen builder/contractor?”

Are you Person #3?

“I’m pretty good at making some of these kitchen decisions, and I know what I like and don’t like, but I need extra help to fill in the gaps!”

Person #4?

“I’m thinking about a future remodel but I completely need help to get started correctly! What do I look for? What do I avoid? What should I think about? I need a Designer Friend by my side stat! HELP!”

Or are you Person #5?

“I just want to improve the kitchen I have!”

If you’re #1-5, this Kitchen Design Bundle was CREATED ESPECIALLY FOR YOU!

If you have other areas of your home that need attention, The Everything Bundle will save you SO MUCH money and time!

**UPDATED Kitchen Packages are now live HERE!**

See our Kitchen Design & Organization Guided Course!

Start here: The 1-Day Complete Kitchen Design & Organization Course!

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