Smart Selling: How We Get Most of Our Money Back on Furniture!

When we sold our big house to downsize to a smaller house at the beach, our folding guest bed was one of the first items that had to go!

While we were sad to have to part with it, we knew we were making a better Life-Trade overall, so it had to happen.

Actually, we sold dozens and dozens of pieces of furniture for thousands of extra buckaroos, and here are some of the things we do to get top dollar for our used furniture (like this cabinet bed👇)!

My top 5 tips are below (#1 may surprise you!):

white cabinet bed queen murphy bed in guest room with fan palm on top

Our bed is now being sold here!

  • An even less expensive option than our original is here (white bed) on sale, or there’s also a grey…or two other colors.
  • Another supplier I found has a range of different beds like this.
  • Similar bed like ours that I found here.

Someone asked if there were other styles that weren’t “traditional” and I found these options: one, two, and three.


Tip #5: R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

Even before you start thinking about selling what you currently have, treat your furniture with respect!

Honestly, people can tell if you’ve kept things in good condition. We get that comment a lot (even surprises me sometimes how often people comment): “Oh wow, this is in really good condition!” They’re genuinely surprised it’s been cared for and that the photos weren’t hiding anything.😂

Even though we’re a family with young children, we teach everyone in our house to treat our things with respect, because we’re thankful for what we have (and Mama-san may want to sell it all one day so we can travel the world/move abroad as a family! haha, OK, we did!🤣).

So take care of your stuff!

Then, when it comes time to sell, you’re already in prime shape! Ka-ching!

Tip #4: Photos, Photos, Photos!

It helps that I took quality photos of so much of our home for this blog, because I was able to use those for selling.

But even if I didn’t have the blog (and I didn’t take pics of EVERYTHING for the blog, so had to take new ones with my phone often), I’d focus on getting the best photos I could.

(Some people would even send in questions like, “Is this the actual picture of the actual bed in your home or a picture of it in a showroom/manufacturer photo?” I had to make it clear that yes indeed, this was a real photo of the real item they would be buying.)

Don’t just snap a quick pic like everyone else does. Your item has to stand out, so brighten that photo with your phone’s editing tools, make sure any clutter is removed from the photo, dust it (!!), and take multiple photos (this also saves you time having to answer people’s questions about it).

Tip #3: Pricing, Baby!

People often either price a) too high or b) too low. Check what other items are selling for and price yours accordingly.

Sometimes you’ll need to price a little higher than you think you’ll accept, because most people love to feel like they’re getting a deal. They love to feel like they “talked it down” and got it for less.

(Except when we sold this bed, which craziness I talk about in my #1 tip below!)

woman folding up guest bed, murphy bed cabinet in guestroom
The genius space-saving hack for your guest bedroom!

BONUS TIP: For sanity’s sake, if I don’t think I can sell something for over $50, Matt and I happily donate it. The time involved to sell furniture (from photos to measurements to descriptions to answering the hundreds of questions and negotiations to scheduling pickups etc etc…all that’s not worth our time for less than 50 bucks, man!)

Tip #2: Smart Timing!

If you can time your used items to sell when people are really wanting them, DO IT!

For example, one of the reasons I believe we got most of our money back on this cabinet bed is because I put it up the first week of November.

What’s happening the first week of November? People are turning their brains on for the holidays and realizing they have guests coming, for one, and they need to figure out the sleeping situations.

With shipping times taking awhile, it’s a lot easier for people to do a same day pickup and get everything in order before the holidays. So if you’re selling a bed or other potentially holiday season related items, go for late October/early November!

But most of all…

Tip #1: Negotiation!

When you’ve got a hot item, negotiate UP!

For example, with this bed, multiple people sent me messages begging to pick it up ASAP and didn’t ask to lower the price.

With messages coming in all at the same time, it was crazy. I’m not going to tell you to start a bidding war, but…you can if you‘re in the mood for a bit of extra work!🤣 I told each potential buyer that several others were messaging at the same time, then one person offered $100 more, then someone beat it, and it just kept going up…

Truth be told, I probably could have sold it for EVEN MORE than we did, but finally at one point I was so tired of being on my phone with people’s messages that I let the highest offering first lady who could be there that evening pick it up, she brought cash, and…

…that’s how we got pretty much all our money back for the use of that brand new amazing bed for years!

Popular Question: “Where Do You Sell These Things?!?”

As of a few months ago before we moved to this island archipelago, I liked using Facebook Marketplace. In the past, I’d used everything from OfferUp and LetGo and Craigslist (in the old days), but FB Marketplace seemed to be the most reliable. And sticking to just one place was easiest to keep track of messages.

👉To read our original post all about this exact bed, with ALL the details, click HERE!


➜ I’ve compiled “The Only 7 Guest Bed Options You Actually Need to Know About!”

➜ Want to see more photos of the rest of our “guest room”? They’re here.

➜ Our complete list of every single home project is viewable HERE!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Misty

    I Would like to see the bed open ready for sleeping.

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