Are you following us on Pinterest yet? We’re currently growing past 16 (sixteen!) million view per month…
…plus we’ve passed over 300,000+ followers on social media combined. (The BEST way is still to join our Insiders e-mail list, which we only use for important announcements or free design advice and consults!)

One of the results of this year’s surge in followers & views all-around is that all year we’ve been getting more design consulting requests than ever, and are currently booked through the New Year!
The fact that we’re booked for most consults may be sad news for some of you…
…but THE GOOD NEWS is that we’ve started our Plans & Design Guides section so that
anyone & everyone
can access our materials, strategies, plans, etc and DIY with our help step-by-step! 🙂
Our latest is the Kitchen Design Bundle! Whether you’re starting a new kitchen remodel or just trying to work with what you have, this is for you!

Check out our updated Home Plans & Design guides sections HERE!