Get Kitchen Layout, Organization & Design Help Easy + Fast!

Even though we're booked through 2024, if you could immediately transport Matt and I to your house TODAY to help you design your new kitchen, or help you squeeze every inch of organization & functionality out of your current kitchen, would you take us up on it? Our lack of time is now your literal gain! When we individually consult with our clients, single kitchens start at $$$$ for our time (and often go much…

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Dry Me a River: 7 Perks of a Built In Countertop Drainboard!

Love having a place by your sink for dishes to dry but don't love the plastic dishracks or metal drainboards available out there? Then you may want to consider a built in countertop drainboard next to your kitchen sink! Admission: I've never owned a separate drainboard. For years, I dried dishes on a towel by the sink. (Which I could see wasn't of the utmost efficiency. The towel would eventually get full of water from…

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Closet Corners Conundrum: 5 Key Mistakes to AVOID (At All Costs)!

Closet corner mistakes are a real thing! We're telling you what you should know in order to avoid these design mistakes as you plan your closet! I wrote in-depth about The 7 Closet Corner Solutions you do need, but as I started to include what NOT to do in that article about what TO do... ...I realized it warranted it's very own post, dedicated to the art of What Not To Do With Your Closet…

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Closet Corner Ideas: The (Only) 7 Genius Design Solutions You Need to Know!

Looking for closet corner ideas and solutions? Or maybe you're wondering how on earth you can maximize every inch of your closet space? As a Layout & Functionality Expert who loves every storage challenge this brings up, today I'm giving you the 7 smart corner solutions to consider! Hands down, closet corners can be one of THEE most annoying problems to try to find the "perfect" solution for! If you have closet corners you don't…

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5 Storage Mistakes Everyone Makes With Shelves & Cabinets!

I have a "secret" Pinterest folder entitled, "BAD IDEAS :) ". (Yes, the smiley face is part of my official folder title because that is how I think it in my head. Like, "face palm"!) The thing is, the internet is chock-full of "clever" ideas... ...but the secret I want to shout from the rooftops (as one of my contributions to society🤣) is: "You don't need to do them all! In fact, I recommend you…

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Kitchen Organization Ideas For Everything From Luxe to Small Kitchens!

If you're struggling with kitchen organization (or just searching for one of our kitchen posts that you can't find by photo on our Kitchen Renovation page!)... ...then you're 100% in the right place! Below is everything from how to organize your kitchen drawers and cabinets to appliance storage, hidden spaces and so much more! PS: We've done EVERY SINGLE ONE of these in our own personal kitchens! ;)   KITCHEN ORGANIZATION Kitchen Drawers! It's not…

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Plaster Dining Table: The 10 “Cleanest” Designs (& Shapes!)

Looking for the perfect plastered dining table + chairs to match? Or maybe you're just looking for dining chairs for your plastered table already in your dining room with the "stone" look. Either way, you're in the perfect spot because that's what I'm showing you today! Sourcing the perfect items for a dining room can take hours. And by hours, I really mean HOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS. (Especially when it's something unique and you want to use materials…

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Are Drawers Better Than Cabinets? The (ONLY) 5 Reasons You Need!

Are drawers better than cabinets? I'm a professional layout & organizational designer sharing the 5 genius reasons you'll want drawers over cabinets to max out your storage (& nail smart organization for yourself)! For yeeeeears I've been telling the world that drawers are better than cabinets!😅 (Yes, it's a difficult job being The Town World Crier of Drawer Love, but I do it because it saves lives!💃) Not only did we design our last kitchen…

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Closet Genius: How to Nail Your Master Closet Layout the First Time! (7 Steps)

Avoid designing your master bedroom closet layout only to have to redo it again one day! Today we're sharing how to nail your master closet layout the FIRST time you do it—and love that layout forever! 🙌🥰🥳 If you've read our first post about how we got extra space in our closet (without stealing a single inch of square footage from any rooms!), you'll be up to speed and ready to hit the ground running…

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How to Convert to Drawers: Our New Guide is Up!

You can either A) spend hours of your time and energy trying to research how to do all this yourself or B) use our guide—we’ve already done ALL the prep work for you!😄💃🏻🙌 Stop wasting your space—our guide on converting your cabinets or shelves into drawers is up HERE!👈 PS: We’ll be incorporating this guide into our larger Kitchen Design & Organization Bundle soon, so now is your chance to grab it solo (if you…

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