presented by jess of

The 1-Day Organized Kitchen Course!

Get the organized, clutter-free kitchen you need!

Unlock Jess’s step-by-step + unique method for pulling your kitchen together once and for all!




Course is closed, but you can

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when it's available next!

Sign up for the waitlist to get an immediate notification when the course becomes available again!

The Old Approach Isn't Getting Us What We Want!

Stop using the old kitchen ideas of years past! It’s outdated and isn’t getting you what you need (both on and under the surface)! 

It’s time to be smart about how you place your kitchen items (then enjoy the benefits every day)!

7+ Video Sessions!

Get mentored by Jess in engaging videos packed full of the best of the best instruction, broken down into 7 easy steps!

10+ Bonus Companion Guides!

An optional 10+ helpful templates, guided workbooks, checklists and more save you dozens of hours of your time!

BONUS: Decluttering Masterclass!

While a full-depth course on decluttering is in the works, we're including a BONUS session focused on decluttering in this course too!

BONUS: Future Videos Free!

Any additional videos we make answering any FAQs and delving even deeper into subjects will be available to you for free, forever!

"What Bonus Materials Are Included With the Course Videos?"

#1 :
The Pre-Prep Checklist!

How are you able to move through such an amazing transformation in less than 1 day? We show you how to prepare the smart way! ($49 value)

The Ultimate Kitchen Space + Storage Handbook!

One of my most unique and valuable methods is being shared with you here, plus the best manual-versus-online resource instruction! ($300 value)

The Kitchen Placement Playbook!

This small-but-mighty companion guide to the video is of my favorite steps and with ESSENTIAL facts you can't dream of continuing the process without! ($89 value)

The Kitchen Task Organization Workbook!

This workbook includes a companion guide PLUS templates full of examples you can use to save you hours of time! ($129 value!)

The Genius Decluttering Guide!

A printed companion guide to Jess' video with experienced examples and stories, teaching you how to declutter with CONFIDENCE! ($150 value)

The Organized Kitchen Inventory Lists & Templates!

Detailed, pre-created and categorized kitchen inventory lists and templates save you time, along with bonus tips! ($49 value)

the Complete Kitchen Checklist!

When we saw the internet NEVER had a complete list for people to use for their kitchen organization, we created our own to save you hours of time!
($75 value)

Drawer Organization Templates!

No matter the size of your drawers, we show you how to maximize every inch, along with templates for difference sizes, setups, and examples! ($65 value)

Decluttering Checklists!

While a full-depth course on decluttering is in the works, we're including a BONUS session focused on decluttering in this course too!
($45 value)

Final Kitchen Organization Guide!

Final tips, notes, and recommendations on kitchen storage you don't have to spend a penny on! ($50 value)

Over $1,000 worth of companion books, printables, guides and templates accompany the 7+ course videos!

Click to watch!

Play Video

As this video was recorded from a beach house, please enjoy the relaxing wave sounds in the background free of charge!🤣🌊

Give me 1 Day, & I'll Help You Nail Your Kitchen Organization!

I wasn’t always so organized. (Although, like so many of us, I thought I was!)

I used to put my silverware in the standard drawer. Pop my glasses up into the cabinet that seemed best. Place my pots and pans near the stove.

I loved the Container Store, Target and IKEA. I bought all their cool organizers. I followed all the best Pinterest and home magazine ideas.

(That’s how “everyone” does it, right?)

Yet, my kitchen continued to frustrate me. 

It still felt clunky—like something was “off”.

Something was wrong.

Over the next year, I experimented with different tactics. Unique processes dreamed up in my head. I created new strategies & steps I’d never heard anyone teach before. 

Now, I want to help you fast-track your own learning curve and zip ahead to the good part! The part where I give you all the answers!

The part where you get to AVOID the years of mistakes I made…

(…and the mistakes 97% of people make…)

…until now!









"This course makes me SO HAPPY!"

"No more procrastination over organizing your kitchen because you're not sure where to start. How Jess pairs your current routines with your functionality...pure genius!"
Morgan Cox

"Jess's insights and down-to-earth way of talking you through organizing your kitchen is so valuable!"

"She's so talented and yet so real at the same time. It's an amazing combination! She helped me look at my kitchen in a completely different way to be more organized...

...and understand how to design it for function, and health and happiness! She and Matt are truly talented...and we get to use their understanding and expertise! I can’t wait to see what other courses they will come up with next!"
Katie Skurski, CFO @ Gulfstream Capital

We Help You Think Outside the Box!

This is a new way of looking at (and utilizing) your kitchen! Whether you’re remodeling or working with what you already have, we’ve never seen anyone else do it this way before, and our clients and early adopters like you are enjoying the benefits starting RIGHT NOW! 

"97% of People Have Their Kitchen Items In the Wrong Place!"

When I (Jess) made the above statement on a recent social media post, a small percentage of commenters expressed anger!😆

I didn’t mean to spark controversy; I was simply trying to point out that we all have room for improvement AND neeeeeed to question The Kitchen Status Quo!

From my years of experience in people’s kitchens (everyone from clients looking for help to friends who end up showing me inside all their drawers mid-conversation about life dreams)…

…97% of people have at least one key batch of kitchen items in the wrong place.*  

(Usually much, much more…because it’s a domino effect! One item in the wrong place for you affects the next one that “should” be there, which affects where that item currently is, taking up the space of another item, and so forth and so on for 100s to 1,000s of kitchen items!)

I’ve included myself in that 97% at times. I’ve made alllll the mistakes! And I LOVE to help you avoid them and SAVE YOUR TIME!

*It’s actually probably higher than 97%—we estimate 99.9%—but I like to be conservative.😉

Do It Once.
Do It Right.

You can finally put an end to the endless frustration of your kitchen! 


What People Are Saying:

"Jess’s delivery is perfect. Her genuine heart shines through. I laughed out loud at one point. It was very joyful and fun and connected with me!

I truly enjoyed all 7 steps of her course. I'm super impressed with Jess’s knowledge and how she broke everything down into bite size pieces.

Thinking of how others will benefit, this course will help you get a new appreciation for your kitchen’s potential. A lot of people don't know how to organize or think outside the box in the way Jess does.

Her course helps you do that, in nice bite size chunks!"
Roxy A.
"I'm always feeling busy juggling work and kids so keeping things organized is not my strong suit...Jess takes something she's gifted at and created her own unique method.

Something that used to feel overwhelming to me, Jess broke it down into simple manageable steps and I actually felt EXCITED going through it!"
Kate S.

"I thought I had a decently organized kitchen...but after taking this course I now have an actually organized kitchen! Jess brought up specific ideas that directly applied to my kitchen space.

I specifically like how she talked about how to organize kitchens of all sizes. I also appreciated the video format and Jess' unique approach to kitchen organization.

Another favorite part is that I can take the info and apply it to other rooms in my house, which feels like a really good value to be able to apply it to multiple spaces in my home!"
Erin H.

Makeover Your Kitchen in One Day...
...From the Inside Out!

Having a kitchen that looks good on the outside—but doesn't have high quality organization on the inside—isn't helping anyone!

You Need To Question The Kitchen Status Quo!

If you’ve spent money on kitchen organizers but still feeling frustrated it didn’t solve everything…

If you’ve spent hours perusing Pinterest and other resources looking for ideas and hacks but nothing ever quite fits you…

If you’re not confident you have things in the right place…

…this course will help you not only solve the problems but give you confidence to never fall into those problems again!

Transform Your Kitchen,
Transform Your Life!

Pull your kitchen together BEFORE the holidays hit!


Grab it while it's here, then watch anytime you want!

(As we add more related videos and materials, the price will have to keep going up, but if you get in now with Lifetime Access, you'll get

True dat.)

Level #1

Design & Style
  • How to Design a Timeless Kitchen
  • Lifetime Access!
  • "Nothing to Lose" 30-day Money-back
  • 7+ Course Videos + Bonus Videos
  • 10+ Kitchen Companion Guides
  • Kitchen Remodel Guide Package

Level #2

Design + Organization
  • How to Design a Timeless Kitchen
  • 7+ Course Videos + Bonus Videos
  • 10+ Kitchen Companion Guides
  • Lifetime Access!
  • "Nothing to Lose" 30-day Money-back Guarantee!
  • Kitchen Remodel Guide Package

Level #3

Design + Remodel
  • How to Design a Timeless Kitchen
  • 7+ Course Videos + Bonus Videos
  • 10+ Kitchen Companion Guides
  • Lifetime Access!
  • "Nothing to Lose" 30-day Money-back Guarantee!
  • Kitchen Remodel Guide Package

+ 5 FREE BONUS GIFTS (ends today!)

🥳 As a thank-you to our followers who follow us closely & are the first here today, you’ll get 5 different plans & guides from us relating to your kitchen: The Complete Drawer Guide 3-in-1 Bundle ($33), Spice Drawer Plans ($25) AND our Drawer Divider Plans ($20) all included FREE when you sign up for the course TODAY!

Everyone Knows The Old Ways Aren't Doing the Trick...

…yet they don’t know how to fix it!

100% Organization!

Countless clients have experienced immediate benefits from Jess's thoughtful insights, passionate guidance, and made-easy techniques!

100% Clutter-Free!

A bonus section on "Decluttering Therapy" for the kitchen will get your kitchen rid of clutter once and for all!

100% Unique Insights!

We've never seen ANYONE teaching these methods or steps we created this unique course!

100% Risk-Free!

We're so confident you'll be satisfied that we offer a 30-day "Nothing To Lose" Money-back Guarantee!

Organizing Your Kitchen Has (Literally) Never Been

Made So Simple!

What's clear to Jess's brain hasn't been taught before...and she's broken it down into 7 easy steps for you!

Instant Access!

No more waiting on our client waitlist! You can literally get started TODAY!

Storage Solutions!

Are you struggling with "not enough" storage in your kitchen? You either have too much OR you're not using the space you have well—we'll help you with both!

We Genuinely Care!

We created this course not only because we're booked through next year and can't accept new clients but because we want to offer an INSTANT + AFFORDABLE option for as many of you as possible!

Entertaining Education!

If you have a good sense of humor, you'll have an extra good time!😄 This course combines valuable lessons mixed with humor, making the time both entertaining + enjoyable!

Streamline Your Kitchen in 1 Day!

Understandably, over time we all start keeping kitchen items in places that feel convenient...but places that could be 300x better!

Perfect + Simple for You.

You know how some really good professors assign a 5-page paper instead of 20? It’s because they know that making this long is easy–being able to accurately and skillfully CONDENSE it is what’s difficult!

So instead of making a 30-hour course, Jess has gotten it into 1 hour of bite-sized pieces that ANYONE can digest!  

(That’s half the skill right there!)


Be Clever. Choose Wisely. Feel Good!

Use your smarts! Jess teaches you how to choose intelligent, thoughtful organization + storage tailored precisely for you and your home! 

Who is this For?

Whether you’re working with what you already have or lucky enough to be building/remodeling, our course helps people with kitchens learn how to organize smartly…

…so they can maximize space and find things quickly + easily! 


We’ve created our 1-Day Complete Kitchen Organization Course to be completed in 1 day, as it’s often most efficient to keep going after you start the momentum!😄

However, you could easily break it up into 2, 3, or even 7 days if you’d prefer to only do a little at a time.

We created it to be flexible and adaptable for however works best for you!

There are 7 steps, with videos averaging 5-10 minutes each.

Optional printable PDFs including guided worksheets, checklists and templates are available for different sections!

There is also the option to add on a 1:1 consulting call with Jess that lasts 20-25 minutes.

Our #1 goal is to help you! So if you complete the course and don’t find it helpful for some reason, just let us know within 30 days and you’ll get a 100% refund! (This is our “Nothing to Lose” Guarantee!) 

This course is NOT for you if...

X You really don't care about wasting time—you just want things to look pretty!

X You'd rather keep things as they've always need to improve what's "fine" or "okay..."

X You're uncomfortable trading several hours now in order to gain 1000s of future hours spent in your kitchen.

This course is PERFECT for you if...

You have annoyances in your kitchen that you'd like to solve but aren't sure how.

You grasp the significance of streamlining your kitchen so you can stop wasting time in it.

Your time is highly valuable to you—and you're willing to invest a few hours to save yourself thousands!

What Clients Say...

Smooth + Crisp!

This is how we all want our kitchens to be!
Smooth movements for everyday.
Crisp & uncluttered forever!

Real Time!
Real Life! Real Stories!

No waiting on our client waitlist! You can literally get started TODAY!

Real Examples!

We've never seen ANYONE teaching these methods or steps we created this 100% unique course!

Real Kitchens!

We created this course not only because we're booked through next year but because we wanted to offer an INSTANT + AFFORDABLE option for as many "Needers of Optimized Organization" as possible!

Real Happiness!

If you have a good sense of humor, prepare to enjoy Jess's teaching! This course combines valuable lessons with humor, making your learning experience both entertaining + enjoyable!

What People Are Saying...

"Jess's way of organizing her kitchen is NOT NORMAL! Her brain works like mine does not. I shared with my husband and we had a good heart to heart talk about it. She made me see how to really focus on what was important to us!!"
Gina B.

Gain exclusive access now!

Unlock Jess's personalized, expert guidance for a smartly-stored and well-organized kitchen made simple!