The Fireplace Room: How We Got Here!

Question: Why do we call it "The Fireplace Room"? (Why not just call it a "family room" or "living room"?) Answer: our Big California House actually has four (4...yep, F-O-U-R) living rooms! Therefore it became necessary to specify THIS one. ;) 👇 The 100% Essential “1st Step” Home Guide! Lest the amateur think all someone did was paint the walls and fireplace white, let us shatter that illusion. :) First, this room failed in many…

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Avoid Ikea: Why You Should NEVER Buy These 5 Premade Items!

If you actually want to maximize every inch of space you already have, then you should NEVER buy these five Ikea items! I 100% understand why people go with pre-made. It seems easier. It seems faster. And if you don't know what to do instead (or you think the alternative is too difficult), well... ...that's exactly what we're here to help you with! :) 🧠💪 Under Sink Storage: The #1 Genius Solution (+7 Simple Options)!…

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The ONLY 12 Banquette Seating With Storage (or Without) Designs To Know!

Looking for the #1 banquette seating with storage (or without) for you? From built-in banquette bench designs to small or modern options, I've narrowed it down here to 12 options to help you choose the one that solves YOUR exact unique need!🙌 All banquettes are not created alike! (Nor should they be! ;) ) Feeling overwhelmed with which type to choose for yourself? I'm here to simplify it for you!🤗 First, you must understand the…

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12 Secrets to Work Less + Still Have a Beautiful Home! ;)

My half-joking answer to many questions or compliments on my solution for something in my home is to grin and say, "Really, I'm just lazy!" 😉 Maybe "lazy" is the wrong word, but you're intelligent readers who know what I mean. If there's a better, faster, more efficient way to do something, why wouldn't we want to do it? Work smarter, not harder!🤗 At this phase of life, time in a fresh, clean room to…

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12+ Modern & Timeless Floor-To-Ceiling Bookshelves (from Built-in To DIY)!

Do you NEED floor-to-ceiling bookshelves for your room(s)? A tall built-in or even cleverly-done DIY bookshelf can solve a heap of visual AND functional problems in your home! How? We'll show you! To Bookshelf vs not To Bookshelf, that is the question!🤓 Bookshelves are can add warmth and depth, but they're also notoriously busy and cluttered-looking. Yet people continue to build them, want them, and search online for examples of where a bookshelf (or two,…

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Off-White Kitchen Cabinets Ideas: 7 Genius Pros & Cons!

Looking for cream or off-white kitchen cabinets versus a pure white? We're sharing the 7 pros and cons you need to know for a modern antique paint (plus our top 5 off-white cabinet colors)! To go with a bright white versus an off-white kitchen cabinets color...THAT is the question! :) You need to be just as particular about choosing your off-white or modern-antique white kitchen cabinet colors as you would be about choosing a pure…

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Rug Size for Queen Bed: The Only 7 Rules You (Absolutely) Need!

Looking for the ideal rug size size for queen bed in your room? Wondering what size rug for queen bed will look not just okay but best? I'm simplifying the "internet rug misinformation" for you ;) are the only 7 "rules" you actually need to pay attention to!👇 As if finding the perfect rug isn't hard enough... ...too many sites tell you the "wrong" rug size for under queen beds!😮 To start, those standard online…

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3 Fast Fixes: Awkward Living Room Layout With Fireplace (Even Corner Ones)!

Looking for the cleverest problem-solving solution for your awkward living room layout with fireplace? Even if it's a corner fireplace, as a professional layout expert I'm here to help you figure this out once and for all! :) 💪 Not all living rooms with a fireplace are laid out in the magical dimensions that dreams are made of!😅 (In fact, most living rooms are not the perfect fit for the people living in them!) How…

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DIY Minimalist Bed Frame: 5 Coziest Bed Must-haves!

Have you been wanting to design your own bed? Today we're sharing our 5 bed must haves, as well as how that led us to designing our own DIY minimalist bed frame! Who says minimal can't equal cozy?! After giving away the beautiful Brazilian hardwood bed Matt made for us (and that we'd had the first 15 years of our marriage), we started sleeping on our mattress on the floor. Not because of poor planning…

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Sri Lanka: Daily Turtle Swims, Coconuts & Lots ‘n Lots of Cinnamon!

While the food in India was amazing, and we met a number of kind Indians we'd hope to meet again (as you might have read about in our India post)... a whole, we felt more in tune with the people of Sri Lanka. (And the food is great too, but we'll get to that later! Oh ho ho, you know I'll get to the food eventually...) As unfamiliar as we were with India and…

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